Friday, April 10, 2020

The Africa Union (AU) has appointed 3 University of Nairobi dons to its Science Technology and Innovations (STI) for Covid-19 interventions .The three are Professor Francis Mulaa, Prof. Ratemo Michieka and Prof Dimbson Bulimo.

During his live steamed address to the University Community on 9thApril 2020, the Vice Chancellor , Prof.S.G.Kiama congratulated the three dons. He  said the appointment is in recognition of the contributions that the University of Nairobi is making in the field of Science and Research.

African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (ASRIC) is a specialized Technical Advisory Body on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to the African Union with African Union, Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (AU-STRC) as its Secretariat. The ASRIC was established through the African Union’s Executive Council Decision (EX.CL/Dec.747 (XXII)) and it promotes scientific research and innovation in order to address the challenges of Africa’s socio-economic development. It also mobilizes African research excellence and provides a platform for dialogue among African scientists and serves as a voice of the scientific community in building and sustaining continental research and innovation nexus. Launching the ASRIC during its Congress in November 2018 was a landmark in the Science, Technology and Innovation impact on Africa’s future and prosperity. The ASRIC Congress is composed of African scientists from all the African National Science Academies, National Research Councils, top Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) Institutes in Africa, Diaspora Scientists and Partners. The Congress decides on the implementation of key science and technology programme and projects in accordance with the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024) and the overarching continental framework AU Agenda 2063. In light of the unprecedented emergence of the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19) ravaging the world the onus lies on ASRIC to respond to the challenges. The preliminary analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 on the continent and the world is magnanimous and must be contained urgently. Given the disposition that the African Union Network of Sciences has over 16,000 professional and experts’ database who are members of the ASRIC. As of that ASRIC called upon its members to assemble an ASRIC Advisory Board Members on STI Intervention for COVID-19 that is to be composed of eminent scientists those drawn from the pool of its members to advise/guide on how best ASRIC can respond to the COVID-19 pandemic utilizing STI while building on existing African resources.


The board will be advising the African Scientific, Research and Innovation Council during this trying time of Covid19 pandemic.

The mandate of the Advisory Board include:

1. To develop a guideline that addresses STI intervention including continental research roadmap on COVID-19;

2. To outline coordination of the continental research and prioritize areas of research on the COVID-19; and

3. Any other relevant guidelines that may address this intervention.

4.To identify and explore areas of quick win (rapid diagnostic tests) and interventions drugs, vaccines, as well as drug/vaccine trials in the research for COVID-19.

5.Develop a guideline on forming network of BSL 4 and BSL 3 laboratories that can be used for conducting the COVID-19 Research.

Prof. Francis Mulaa is the current Director Intellectual Property Management at the University of Nairobi. He obtained his PhD in biochemistry at Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. After post-doctoral training in molecular biology at University College London, he turned his attention to malaria and pioneered development of gametocytes cell cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, their cultivation and purification of gametocytes through all their live stages, a technology that revolutionized malaria biology. He was the founding Principal of Carissa University College. He serves on the Vice-Chancellor’s projects Advisory Committee. He has served on Pan African University Professorial Recruitment Committee, Pan African University Curriculum Committee. Distinguished African Researcher Scholar Award Committee, Board Member, Kenya Childhood Cancer Trust. He is a Board Member, Steering Committee member, European Malaria International PhD Programme, Steering committee of the East African Regional Programme and Research Network for Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biotechnology Policy Development, Expert Scientific advisory committee for Consortium for National Health Research.

Professor Michieka is a member of staff at the University of Nairobi and has specialized in Agriculture (Weed Science) and Environmental Sciences. He obtained his BSc, MA, and PhD in Weed Science and Environment from Rutgers University, USA. He went for a Postdoctoral training at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) prior to his appointment at the University of Nairobi as a lecturer in 1980. He later became the Founding Vice Chancellor of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology where he served for 13 years.  Prof Michieka was later appointed the Director General of the National Environment Management Authority, NEMA, where he articulated the dangers of environmental pollution and natural resources degradation. He was responsible for the production of Kenya’s first report on the State of our Environment. Professor Michieka has done extensive research in Weed Science, with special emphasis on appropriate management systems, water conservation and food security. His studies in the testing of herbicides assisted in the recommendations of various weed control methods to farmers in East Africa and beyond. He is a strong proponent of using safe pest control management systems to avoid environmental pollution. Prof Michieka is a member of several national and international organizations and has received many awards locally and internationally. Prof Michieka has published widely in local and international journals, has written three books, one on the taxonomy of the East African Weeds which is translated in Kiswahili , his autobiography, a monograph and he has edited the annual proceedings of the east African weed society in the 80’s and the 90”s. He is a strong advocate of Kenya’s environmental conservation and food security. As a scholar, Prof Michieka has made some impact to young scientists on the promotion of science and technology in Kenya and East Africa. He is A Distinguished scholar and recipient of many awards for his exemplary services to society. Ratemo has vast knowledge of the East African countries as he was involved in the revitalization of the Inter University Council of East Africa, The establishment of the African Institute for Capacity Development, AICAD, and an external examiner in the region.  Michieka is a Fellow and Honorary Secretary of the Kenya National Academy of Sciences and a Chairman of the Kenyatta University Council.

Prof. Bulimo is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine in the University of Nairobi.  He  has supervised more than fifteen MSc and seven PhD students and currently supervises five PhDs in the field of Molecular virology and molecular sciences in general. He is a molecular virologist whose research work is based at the National Influenza Centre, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) working in collaboration with the GEIS program, USAMRU-Kenya, on influenza and other respiratory pathogen surveillance in Kenya.